blue books

美 [bluː bʊks]英 [bluː bʊks]
  • n.(考试用)蓝皮答题卷;二手车参考价目册
  • blue book的复数
blue booksblue books

blue books


  • 1
    N-COUNT 蓝皮书(指政府官方报告或统计)
    A blue book is an official government report or register of statistics.

  1. I have ten new blue books .


  2. Why are parliamentary reports called " Blue Books "?


  3. While the number of people who gave up their little blue books in the first six months of this year had already edged out the 2011 record by a hair , the recent figures firmly cement the trend .


  4. And they were of no earthly value to me , for every time I needed some concrete fact , I had to look it up on maps and in atlases and encyclopedias and blue books .
